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Sunday, 4 August 2019

Building Information Modeling - BIM, Concept,Benifits, Applications

What is BIM (Building Information Modeling )

      Building Information Modeling (BIM) is highly advanced tool recently widely used in all major construction firms and construction projects. BIM gives all the information about the project in order to minimize the construction errors and construction fails in terms of cost, quality, delay, material wastage and other conflicts.
      Building information modeling (BIM) is a software tool supported by various tools and technologies involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics.
    Building information models (BIMs) are files  which can be extracted, exchanged or networked to support decision-making regarding a built projects. Current BIM software is used by individuals, businesses organizations and government agencies who plan, design, construct, operate and maintain diverse physical infrastructures, such as water, refuse, electricity, gas, communication utilities, roads, railways, bridges, ports and tunnels.

BIM Concept:
      BIM is seven dimensional Concept that included all the functions and actions of the project. Commonly all the software only explore three dimension only but BIM incurred 7D concept. 7D includes common 3D elements (conventional drawing like Plan, Elevation and Section) , It extends 4th Dimension as Time, it used for scheduling, 5th Dimension as Cost, it used for control the budget of the project, 6th Dimension as Environment and sustainability, it is used to protect our environment and enhance the sustainability, 7th Dimension as life cycle management, it use to maintenance of the building over the life span of the structure.

BIM Benefits:
  • BIM gives the all information about the project
  • Minimize the material wastage, time overrun (Project delay)
  • Helpful for Resource Management (Manpower, material, Money, Machinery)
  • Integrate all the process in one software (Plan, Elevation, modeling, scheduling, budgeting, controlling)
  • Better communication to mitigate miscommunication
  • Safer construction site
  • Increased productivity and mitigate the risk in construction
  • Sustainability of Environment consideration
  • Maintenance throughout the life cycle of the structure.

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